Japanese diet for 14 days.

girl holding sushi for japanese diet

Before the New Year holidays, there is still time to shine at a corporate party not only in the best outfit, but also to appear before the envious gazes of physically fit colleagues. Advice on moderate nutrition, optimal physical activity, exclusion from the diet of sweet carbonated drinks, flour, fast food and other harmful substances from the diet of urban residents is always relevant. Following the recommendations of dieticians and physical trainers will, of course, give its result, but how long does it take? And I want to lose weight here and now. The ideal option for this would be the Japanese diet for 14 days. It should be noted that the menu therein is very limited. Within two weeks, it is necessary to strictly and strictly adhere to the established schedule, and various small joys of life, even in the form of a small candy or a sip of sweet juice, are strictly prohibited. Before proceeding, it is necessary to tune in mentally and physiologically to avoid stressful consequences.

Characteristics of the Japanese diet.

Nutritionists and people who have already gone through this way of eating advise choosing a period of time in which the temptation to give up will be less. A visit to her beloved aunt for her birthday, in whose honor she bakes very fragrant and fragrant cakes, is not the best time for such an undertaking as the Japanese diet. Also, you should slightly limit your diet for a week or two, moderate your appetite for sweet, salty and starchy foods. So that the subsequent transition to new dishes is not too complicated, and they do not seem tasteless.

Japanese vegetable salad

By itself, the Japanese diet is not the usual diet of the Japanese. Those who, after the announcement of this name, imagined sushi, soy sauce and spicy kebabs will be very disappointed, since the diet is dominated by unsalted meats and vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil. Why then is the diet called Japanese? They created a nutrition system with this name in the Japanese clinic Yaeks. Nutritionists, based on a scientific approach to the existing problem of obesity and the experience of generations in the fight against it, have compiled a menu that will help you quickly lose those extra pounds. There is an opinion that in order to get to the end of this diet, it is necessary to have character traits inherent in the inhabitants of the country of the rising sun: organization, adherence to rules and traditions, integrity and willpower. The Japanese diet, the reviews of which flooded all the pages of the forums, really justifies the effort. The results vary, it will be possible to lose at least 5 kg, and in some cases it can be more than 10 kg in two weeks.

What can you eat while on a diet?

So, to begin with, to begin the process of losing weight, it is necessary with the fact that you need to make basic purchases for the future diet. I am glad that the necessary products are cheap and easily accessible. You can buy them in any supermarket, or in the market, in all corners of the country. There are absolutely no exotic, rare or hard to find ingredients.

organic coffee for japanese diet

The product list consists of the following items:

  • naturally brewed coffee;
  • high-quality loose green tea, you can also bottle it, if you are sure it is really tea and not herb with flavorings;
  • chicken meat. But it is the part of the sirloin, the meat must be white, because it is the least fatty and does not cause allergic reactions;
  • beef, it is better to choose young meat so that after processing it is more tender and easy to digest, veal does not require long cooking and is easier to chew;
  • sea fish of low-fat varieties, it can be hake, haddock, coalfish, blue whiting;
  • chicken eggs;
  • Vegetables - zucchini, eggplant, carrots, white or Beijing cabbage, it is not inferior in quality and nutritional characteristics to ordinary cabbage, but tastes better when raw. If the diet falls on the summer season, when the young varieties of cabbage are in full swing, then there is no difference;
  • vegetables for the japanese diet
  • fruits - apples, pears, citrus (including lemons, for dressing salads), apricots, plums, everything that the soul desires, except for bananas and grapes due to their high caloric content and a large amount of sugars;
  • vegetable oil, it can be any, olive, sunflower, corn;
  • Rye bread. The Japanese 14-day diet excludes the use of bread of mixed composition or baked with wheat flour;
  • rye bread for the japanese diet
  • low-fat kefir. It must be bought every day so that the product is fresh, if it is three days old or more, it has binding properties, which will hinder peristalsis and increase gas formation;
  • a little hard cheese, but natural milk, not vegetable fats;
  • tomato juice. Often, the producers of this drink take care of the taste of the product by adding salt to the composition, however, the Japanese diet for 14 days, the menu of which implies total exclusion, forces one to look for one hundred percent natural juice without the addition of impurities. .
tomato juice for the japanese diet

Also, to quench your thirst, you need to stock up on drinking water. It can be regular tap water, pre-filtered or boiled bottled mineral water is also allowed. Drinking will provide the body with the necessary amount of fluid, which already suffers from a lack of vitamins and elements, and gives the stomach a feeling of satiety. Snacks are not provided in the diet, this gap can be filled by drinking water during the day.

What did you order? japanese diet menu

After purchasing the necessary products, you can start the cooking process. There are weight loss programs in which the recipe of the dishes. more suitable for a fancy restaurant. For those who are not very connoisseurs of cuisine, the Japanese diet is perfect, its menu includes dishes based on boiled meat, fish, vegetables and eggs. To prepare food, according to this system, very little effort and time will be needed. Meat should be boiled, fish can be boiled, baked or lightly fried in a pan, grill. Salads are prepared with boiled cabbage or in the form of fresh mixtures of cabbage and carrots. Also, zucchini and eggplant are lightly fried. All these preparations take very little time, which allows you to always eat fresh food. Portions should be small, two hundred grams of meat, fish and fruit. Vegetables are taken as a standard adult portion. Eat 1-2 hard boiled eggs per day. A prerequisite is the absence of salt in dishes and sugar in coffee and tea.

japanese dietary salt

The diet algorithm is designed in such a way that the body must rebuild its metabolism. The meals do not contain carbohydrates. Consuming protein, fat, spending energy during everyday worries, a person begins to look for alternative resources. Then there is a process of fractionation of fats, which were accumulated just for that case. In two weeks of restructuring, the body completely changes its internal systems, a new mechanism for metabolic processes begins to form. Due to the most serious stress, such a diet can be dangerous for some categories of the population. The ban includes pregnant women, nursing mothers, people with chronic diseases. In any case, you should consult your doctor before taking this step.

japanese baked chicken

The diet, although monotonous, but quite nutritious. And if you really do not want to starve, then the Japanese diet for 14 days suits you, the reviews of those who have passed it are often positive. If you subsequently adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, or use separate meals in the diet, go in for sports, then the weight will not return for many years. Often doctors do not recommend using this method for weight loss due to the fact that the body does not receive many components for normal functioning. For those who find it difficult to adhere to such a strict regimen, there is an easier option - this is the Japanese diet for 13 days. In addition to reducing one day, a small amount of salt is acceptable here. The main list of products and their combination is the same, the result is also quite good.